Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa
Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa

Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa

Research Publications
Hello, I'm Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa, a backend engineer at Yahoo on the Fantasy Sports team. I am highly experienced in the software engineering field, having implemented microservices and libraries and distributed multi-tenant architectures. I'm also an open-source enthusiast, and I have created and worked on several projects that have been listed in GitHub's trending section.
My educational background is in Computer Science, with a Master's degree from UT Dallas and a Bachelor's from IIT Guwahati. I have a passion for programming, and I'm constantly looking for ways to keep my skills up to date and learn new technologies. My current goal is to develop my expertise in cloud computing and distributed systems, and I'm actively researching the latest trends in this field. Furthermore, I am a huge proponent of open-source technologies and constantly looking for ways to contribute to the community.


Software Dev Engineer II
Yahoo βˆ™ Mountain View, CA βˆ™ Sept 2022 - Present
  • Paid Games: Backend feature development using Java.
  • Drafts Backend: Modernization and re-architecture of older software components. Moving services to AWS cloud.
  • Deputy Paranoid: Security champion for the sports org.
Member of Technical Staff
VMware βˆ™ Palo Alto, CA βˆ™ June 2021 - Sept 2022
  • Automation Platform development: End-to-end implementation of multiple microservices using test-driven development. These services are a part of VMware’s remediation and diagnostic automation platform used by SREs of different products to automate their operations.
  • Automation scripts: Implementing multi-threaded Python scripts and workflows used for deployment and auto-remediation that are executed on the open-source IFTTT engine, StackStorm.
  • Security and Compliance: Fixed vulnerabilities for 10+ services and optimized docker image builds for enhanced security and size.
Software Engineer
Works Applications Co. Ltd βˆ™ Singapore βˆ™ Oct 2016 - July 2019
  • Authentication microservice: Owned SSO Authentication and implemented the SAML protocol. Worked on authentication microservice and login methods.
  • AWS Kubernetes migration: Migrated deployment scripts for self-managed Kubernetes clusters to AWS EKS, resulting in increased availability and lower operations cost.
  • Deployment scripts optimization: Optimized cloud environment setup scripts to reduce infrastructure setup time by 70% by utilizing concurrent builds.


Master of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering


  • Languages: Java (8 years), Python (5 years), Bash, Golang
  • Frameworks: Spring Framework, JUnit, Mockito, Flask
  • Cloud & DevOps: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Microservices, nginx, helm, Splunk
  • Tools: Git, Jenkins CI, MySQL, REST API, Jira, Gradle, Maven, Wavefront