
Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa
+++ title = “What I learned this week” date = 2016-09-27T10:31:26+08:00 draft = false
description = “Learning something every week”

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tags = [] categories = [“personal”]
authors = [“admin”]

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[header] image = "" caption = ""
I’ve always had several topics, related to various fields, in my mind that I wanted to learn but the vastly known habit of procrastination always stopped me from doing something about it. I was learning something, although I realized that the rate at which I had been learning new things, there are always more and more things that I become aware of and I want to know. Knowing that I can learn more is obviously thrilling, but I never get myself to cover those topics and most of them are ultimately left out, or just forgotten by me.
So now I have decided to start this initiative so that I can learn as many things as possible (not just related to technology but to other fields like Psychology, Philosophy, Literature, etc.). I plan to write a blog post every week, describing what I learnt during that time and, if possible, what was I able to achieve with the same. Let’s hope I am able to stick with it.
The code repository for this initiative is here and I will be putting up the blog posts in a new blog