
Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa
+++ title = “Food and fitness” date = 2016-09-30T10:31:26+08:00 draft = false
description = “My love for food v/s my fitness state”

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I have gained a lot of weight due to over-eating as I get to eat a lot of good food. During my college days, I was hoping to lose weight in my last semester, but I got injured in my left knee and lasted more than it shoud’ve; so, I would get a lot of chances to have good food and I didn’t work out. That was just the start.
Then, after I moved to my home, I expected that I would lose some weight before going for my job. But then, I was expected to eat well so that I wouldn’t get weak. After spending some time at home and doing nothing all day long, I was permitted to join a gym. In the first month, I built up a habit to work out. Since I was injured and couldn’t do much, I was advised to do Aerobics. It was during this time that my injury started healing and I could feel it. During my second month at the gym, a new instructor was hired. Now I would have to do other exercises, I thought: the difficult ones. But after starting this, eventually I was able to spend around 2 hours daily at the gym for the next few months. During this time my injury completely healed. Now I can run without wearing knee pads. I could’t lose a significant amout of weight (only 2-3kgs) during this time, but I was succesfull in toning up my body a bit for working out and, more importantly, I built up a habit to get up early in the morning daily and work out.
Now I am in Bangalore, waiting for my job to start. I have a weekend to spend here. After reaching in a hotel room (Sherwood Suites hotel), I have eaten 2 biriyanis in a day. I liked it too much. I am hoping that I would get good food, but I’m gonna have to learn to control myself from not eating too much of it.
I think that if I ever started to love travelling, it would be solely because of the thought that I would get to have good food in new places.
I have a dream that some day I will be able to have a lot of good food without gaining unnecessary weight and staying in shape and one day I am going to achieve this dream.