Bhangra at IITG

Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa
My first experience at doing bhangra in Alcheringa, 2016
So, it was just something I always wanted to do, but just didn’t, earlier. I don’t know why. Then suddenly I decided to at least learn the folk dance. I started going to the practice sessions. I started learning the steps for the boys’ sequence, which was to be performed using sticks, or daang. It was interesting to learn those steps. I would start doind bhangra even in my room some times during those times, just because it as so much fun!
Bhangra is a widely loved Punjabi folk dance, which is performed by both men and women. It is full of energy and happiness. It signifies the pride of Punjabis and is performed at all the happy occasions, be it small or huge. It really helps to relieve stress.
We performed the dance during Alcheringa, our college’s cultural festival, at the institute auditorium. It was my first time getting on stage for this long, even if it was for 1-2 minutes. I would’ve been nervous, but I was just too glad to perfom Bhangra that I forgot all that and just did it. Those few minutes created one of the most memorable experiences of my life. There were mistakes in the performance, everyone forgot something or did some step wrong; but ultimately, what matters is that we had a lot of fun!
Here’s a photograph of the whole team.